Учения по пожарной безопасности DS Guilin Dongshang

Учения по пожарной безопасности DS Guilin Dongshang

14 мая 2024

DS Guilin Dongshang fire safety drill

On the morning of May 7, 2024, the Guangxi Dongshang Park, one of DS Dongshang's three manufacturing bases, held a fire safety drill aimed at further improving employees' fire safety awareness and emergency handling capabilities to ensure the safe production of the enterprise. This fire drill mainly through the simulation of factory building fire as the background, the fire evacuation, on-site fire fighting and other whole process of practical exercise. At the same time, learn fire knowledge, experience the initial fire, reasonable use of fire extinguishers and so on.

At the drill site, the alarm sounded suddenly, and all employees quickly entered a state of emergency in accordance with the plan. The evacuation route was unimpeded, and employees were evacuated to designated safe areas in an orderly manner. At the same time, firefighters quickly arrived to launch fire fighting and rescue work. The whole exercise process is tense and orderly, full participation, and the expected effect has been achieved.

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