Содействие интеграции и инновациям

Содействие интеграции и инновациям сотрудничества между школой и предприятием для динамичного развития талантов | Сердечно приветствуем визит и руководство Цзянсийского университета науки и технологий в Дуншан!

30 апр 2024

Содействие интеграции и инновациям сотрудничества между школой и предприятием для динамичного развития талантов | Сердечно приветствуем визит и руководство Цзянсийского университета науки и технологий в Дуншан!
In order to further deepen the cooperation between universities and enterprises, and promote the integration of industry, academia, and research, on May 12, 2023, Secretary Wang Kun and his delegation from Jiangxi University of Science and Technology visited DS Dongshang.    The purpose of the visit was to expand job opportunities for college students, optimize talent development models, and explore new cooperative models of school-enterprise collaboration that are characterized by close integration, mutual benefit, complementary advantages, and shared development.

Secretary Wang Kun and his delegation from Jiangxi University of Science and Technology visited DS Dongshang’s Dongguan factory for guidance and in-depth communication.   They first visited the various departments of our company and listened to the explanation from Mr. Liao Yuanke.

After a comprehensive tour, the university leaders gained a deeper understanding of the company's development overview, business structure, future direction, and technological innovation achievements.   They highly recognized DS Dongshang's strength and expressed a desire for further communication and collaboration between the university and the company in areas such as talent cultivation, education and training, internships and practical experiences, and school-enterprise co-construction.

Secretary Wang also provided detailed information about the distinctive features of Jiangxi University of Science and Technology in terms of its educational characteristics, discipline construction, and talent cultivation.   He reviewed the school's work highlights and achievements in teaching, scientific research, and local service in recent years.

We hope to find a path through complementary advantages and find projects through win-win cooperation, accelerate the pace of personnel training, technology research and development, and transformation of results, and further enhance the scientific and technological innovation ability of enterprises and drive development.

The participants also had in-depth discussions on how to promote cooperation agreements and implement specific cooperation projects.
School-enterprise cooperation, one connected to employment, one connected to talent, is the double driving force for enterprise development and university transformation. DS Dongshang will be closer and more stable, laying a good foundation for continuing to deepen school-enterprise cooperation and help enterprises develop. Truly create the characteristics and new situation of talent training, school-enterprise cooperation.

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